

Prioritizing your vendors is key to assembling the best wedding team for your special day, and here’s why.

Is There a Specific Order I Should Follow When Hiring My Wedding Vendors

Although there is not a specific order you should follow when hiring your wedding vendors, your most important ones should be the first you get in touch with to make sure they are available on your wedding date.

If you need some guidance regarding when to hire wedding vendors for your destination wedding, the following article will help you out.


Prioritizing Is Key

Hiring your wedding vendors is not a task that you absolutely need to complete at once, thus you can get in touch with a few vendors at first and work your way up until you’ve hired everyone. Before diving into this, it is recommended that you hire a wedding planner to help you keep track of things, as well as to get the best and most trustworthy vendors possible (planners are known for having a lot of contacts that can come in handy).

Once that is done, make a list of your most important vendors for you, no matter how many lists and articles you read the only people that determine how important certain vendors are are you and your partner. If you consider your wedding photographer to be the number one vendor on your list, make sure to get in touch with them first to check they’re available on your wedding date, and later do the same with the rest of your vendors.


Watch Out For Special Events During Your Wedding Date

If you know a significantly major event will take place during your wedding date near you, like a festival, marathon, or any other, you might want to reach out to vendors a little earlier just to make sure you can get people for your wedding. This also is great for looking for backups with time on your side and not getting to your special day running with the clock.

For a destination wedding, this is crucial, especially for your guests’ flights, accommodations, and transport in the place you choose your wedding to be celebrated in. The sooner you reach out to your priority vendors (including hotels and airlines) the smoother your wedding planning process will be.


Have An Open Mind Regarding Your Options

Having flexible options is always advisable during your wedding planning. If you find yourself not being able to afford a certain vendor you’d always wanted or your favorite photographer is not available on your wedding date, don’t be afraid to look for other options. Ask them if they can recommend someone they know or trust that can adapt to your style and budget, you’ll most likely end up with an equally good vendor as the one you’re consulting.

Being flexible with your vendors will allow you to transit the process peacefully and with as little stress as possible.


Wedding Vendors Order Conclusion

Is there a specific order I should follow when hiring my wedding vendors? It depends. You should reach out to your most important vendors first to make sure they are available for your wedding date, and a good thing to do is to have an open mind about your options and have some flexibility regarding your budget, style, and preferences.


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