

If the best-laid plans can go awry, weddings are no exception. No matter the time and effort we put into creating a perfect wedding, somethings must go wrong. I know what you are thinking, but there’s nothing you can do about it. It is natural!

How to deal with wedding regrets and move. Photo by INWeddings

Photo by INWeddings

We often believe that our wedding must be perfect and impeccably romantic. But difficult relatives will always be difficult; not even your wedding day will change that. We do not control the weather, sound equipment doesn’t always work well, and guests won’t be timely as expected. Regrets often result from trying to create a wedding that doesn’t feel authentic to you and your partner. It also comes from prioritizing the needs and wants of others.

If you look back and notice your wedding didn’t go exactly as planned, or you wish it went differently, you might feel regretful. However, you do not have to live with that for the rest of your life. Here are ways to deal with wedding regrets and move on. With these, you both can live a life filled with joy and happiness.


1. Talk with Your Partner

Identify your wedding-related regrets and talk it over with your partner. Also, try to find out how your partner feels. Talking about your regrets is the first step to taking away this burden from your shoulders.


2. Accept it, and allow yourself to grieve

Now, it is time to work through this awkward feeling. There is no shame in feeling regret! The feelings of regret include guilt, sadness, and anger. Accepting these feelings will help you move on. You need to understand the inconsolable process associated with your regrets. Allow yourself enough time to regret before telling yourself it is time to put everything behind you.


3. Plan Not to Repeat The Same Mistakes

It is time to get practical! Now that you have identified your mistakes and worked through your feelings, it is time to get the ‘bull by its horns.’ Yes, you read that right! It is important to identify the things which made you regret and why it affected you negatively. This is to ensure that you don’t repeat these mistakes throughout your relationship. Learn from it and try not to repeat these errors.


4. Learn to Make Fun Out of It

Learn to laugh about whatsoever went wrong. Surprises and things that do not go well are the key factors of regret. They are as well as core elements of comedy. You can’t undo what has been done – laugh about it. Trust me; you will feel much better.


It sucks when things don’t go according to plan. Try to remember that it was just a party and it was only for a day. Moreover, you got married to the love of your life. Isn’t it amazing? Cheer up! In the end, the marriage after the wedding is the most crucial part. Therefore, try to focus and make your marriage the best it can be.






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